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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Join the Kids Books Club!

Welcome book lovers and future literary champions! 
🤩 You've come to the right place!

As an acclaimed children's author, my mission is to inspire the next generation of readers and thinkers.  
I've dedicated my career to crafting captivating stories that spark young imaginations.
 When you support my channel by buying one of my books for the kids in your life - whether it's your own children or your brother's little ones - you're investing in their success.  
Studies show that reading proficiency is one of the greatest predictors of lifelong achievement. 📚
 Can you believe that?!
But that's not all!  
I'm also inviting you to join my exclusive book club: 
Each week, I'll hand-deliver a brand new ebook straight to your device! 🎁  
These stories will: 
  • Entertain
  • Educate,  
  • Empower (YES - Empower!)
...the young readers you love. Reading opens the door to infinite possibilities.  
Join me in igniting the spark of literacy and setting our future leaders up for success.  
If you can read, you can succeed!
Click the link below to claim your first ebook and become part of our reading revolution! 👇
Thank you for being here - I can't wait to share these stories with you and your family!


Who am I?

I am a concerned parent with two boys (7 and 14) who wants to lay the foundation for them right. But I think Walt said it best:

"We believe in, and like, the American Way of Life ... 

—we find ourselves in sharp revolt against a rising tide of Communism, Fascism and related beliefs, that seek by subversive means to undermine and change our way of life" —Walt Disney


But don’t just take my word for it, take a look at what the other parents are saying about the Kids Books:



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You will receive the first eBook IMMEDIATELY upon your purchase of this membership.

Then each week you will receive a new eBook.
There are NO RESTRICTIONS to your usage of each eBook!
Only the industry standard Copyright applies: you are not allowed to reproduce or sell the eBooks in any way.

Now hit the button - WELCOME TO THE CLUB!

Wednesday, May 1, 2024


“I am a former Marine who served with 3rd AABN, from 1999 to 2004, with a tour over in Iraq. 

My 6 yr old son John is very much a little warrior and is even a follower of Jocko Willink and his warrior kid code and books. 

I wanted to expand his reading variety and bought all of your SEAL books for kids and Conan The Special forces combat dog on Amazon. 

As usual he ate them right up and loved every one of them. 

Always being surrounded by my friends who are all veterans and one who is still in my son has naturally gravitated towards that way of life. 

Your books have greatly increased his reading skills while adding the videos we can watch within the books. 

I attribute much of his discipline and physical abilities yours and other books he reads on this subject. 

Thank you so much for them from myself and especially my little warrior John. You keep putting them out and we will keep reading them.” — Will Clark

Choose your adventure below!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Join the Kids Books Club!

📚🌟 Embark on Thrilling Adventures with the Ultimate Kids Books Club! 🌟📚

Calling all aspiring fighter pilots, space explorers, and future Navy SEALs!

🚀 Are you ready to join a journey filled with incredible tales of bravery and adventure? 
Welcome to the all-new Kids Books Club – your gateway to epic stories that spark imagination and inspire greatness!

🎈 What Makes Us Stand Out? 🎈

📚 A New eBook Every Week: 
Get ready to soar through the pages of action-packed stories! From fighter pilots and Navy SEALs to jet fighters and astronauts, every week brings a new adventure straight to your inbox.

💰 Unbelievable Value--4 for 1: 
Hold onto your flight helmets – for just $3 a month, you'll unlock FOUR jaw-dropping eBooks, each worth around $4! It's like getting a squadron of stories for the price of one.

🚀 Instant Access: 
No countdown, no delays! Our eBooks zoom into your email for instant access. Prepare for liftoff into worlds of excitement!

🌈 Adventures for All Ages: 
Designed for kids aged 5-9 and 9-12, our stories cater to a wide range of adventurous spirits. From space monkeys exploring distant galaxies to kids dreaming of becoming jet pilots, we've got it all covered.

🇺🇸 Fueling Young Heroes: 
With a focus on positive, patriotic messages, our stories ignite the flames of courage and leadership. These are tales that shape young hearts and minds for a bright future.

🌟 Unlock Adventures, Ignite Dreams! 🌟

Our promise:
Is to not just provide books – but to inspire future fighter pilots, astronauts, and Navy SEALs! These stories are your stepping stones to becoming the hero you dream of.

🎁 Exclusive Bonus: KidsBooks Club Leadership Patch! 🎁
Stay with us for 5 months and earn an exclusive leadership patch – a symbol of your commitment to adventure and bravery. 
This badge is a unique reminder of your incredible journey.

✨ Join the Adventure – Shape Tomorrow! ✨

As a member, you'll be the first to experience "Spacemonkeys" and all upcoming releases. 
Your membership fuels our mission to inspire greatness in the next generation through thrilling stories.

👉 Ready to unleash your inner hero? Join the adventure now! 📚🌟 Let's write the future, one page at a time.

👇 Reserve your spot today! 👇

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

NEW! USMC Pilot for Kids!


USMC Unleashes F-35 Lightning II in Action! 🔥

Watch the Marines acquire the target and blow it up!

🚀 Join us on an exhilarating training mission as the USMC takes the incredible F-35 Lightning II to the skies! 

🛩️ Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping experience as we witness the awe-inspiring power of this cutting-edge fighter jet in action.

But there's more to this showcase than meets the eye - watch as they unleash laser-guided training bombs to hit their targets with pinpoint accuracy, showcasing the precision and expertise of the United States Marine Corps! 

🎯 Witness the perfect fusion of technology and military prowess as we capture these breathtaking moments from the cockpit to the explosive impact down below!

🔵 Prepare to be amazed by the F-35 Lightning II's capabilities, as it leaves a trail of blue destruction across the skies!

Hit that like button, subscribe for more incredible military content, and share this video with fellow enthusiasts :-)

(VIDEO) Watch the AH-1Z Viper Attack Helicopter in Action!


Discover the incredible capabilities of the AH-1Z Viper attack helicopter, the pride of the Marines! 
From its advanced weaponry to its agile maneuverability, this formidable chopper is a force to be reckoned with. 
Join us as we delve into the features and missions of this cutting-edge military machine!

Sunday, May 1, 2022

The Flag Salute and Pledge of Allegiance



I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all

Saturday, April 30, 2022

The ONE Thing You MUST Do Before Joining the Military! {IMPORTANT!}

The number ONE MOST IMPORTANT thing you must do before joining ANY of the armed forces!

Howdy friends twens teenagers and young adults, and kids my favorite -- the kids!
I want to tell you the most important thing you must know, and you must do, before you join any services.
I'm talking about the enlisted ranks (probably not for officers) it's called a guaranteed job.
You must get a "guaranteed job" before you join any military services: army, navy, air force, or marines.
Now I've heard that the marines don't have this, but the army, and the navy, and the air force definitely do.
As a matter of fact if you go to your air force recruiter you can even ask them for aircraft mechanic: "crew chief 43131". 

So you must get a guaranteed job, because what happens if you don't get a guaranteed job?

Well let me tell you a story, a long time ago...

I went in the air force in the 80s, (that's how old i am,) in the 1980s I joined the air force, and in boot camp i met a guy who was complaining:
He said, "I have a degree in architecture and you know what they made me?!"
I said, "No what did they make you?"
"They made me a cook!"
And I told him, "Well didn't you get a guaranteed job?"
He said, "No. What's that?"
He had a bad recruiter!
So kids, when you go to your recruiter, you tell him, "I want a guaranteed job."
And if the recruiter says, "Oh we can't get you one."
...and that's that!
You don't have to join, and you do not join, unless you get that guaranteed job!

Because you know what you get to do if you don't get a guaranteed job? -- you get to be a cook!



Nobody wants to be a cook; so they have a permanent shortage of cooks all the time.
So what happens if you don't get a guaranteed job? -- you get to be the cook, and you don't want to be the cook do you?

So let me tell you what else is going to happen:

It's a two-phase process:
(1) You go to the recruiter and you sign some papers and then you (2) go to the military enlistment processing station (MEPS) I think it's still in San Diego in California. 
But the point is; you go there and then you're going to sit down with the guy behind the computer, and then he's going to look at all your stuff that you got at the recruiting station in your hometown, and then he's going to say "congratulations we've got your guaranteed job in six months" or whatever months. Then you're okay.
But if he says "oh well we can't get you a guaranteed job," then you get up and you walk out!
You're not in the air force or any services yet my friend -- even when you're at the second phase at the MEPS!
You're not in until you raise your hand and you take the oath!
But before you do that you've done a physical at the MEPS station, and you've talked to the guy behind the computer, and it doesn't matter what you signed at the recruiters station in your hometown, I don't care what you signed there, you don't get that guaranteed job at MEPS; then you stand up and you walk out! 

--doesn't matter what you signed; you're not even in the forces yet, not until you raise that hand, and take that oath.

So remember that kids, and anybody thinking of joining the forces: if you get there at the MEPS and they can't get your guaranteed job, you're not in.
You just walk out! - don't matter what you signed, you just leave because you don't want to be a cook do you?
All right my friends, so that's the most important thing that anybody needs to know to join any service.

If you like this video please share it because it's really important. I don't want any of you joining the services--getting stuck as a cook! okay, alright my friends, please share the video, and... 
I look forward to seeing YOU at the top! {hearty salute}

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Friday, April 15, 2022

Which Pilot are YOU? Take the Quiz - it's fun and it's free!

Take this cool quiz to find out which aircraft and career path is right for YOU!


Sunday, April 10, 2022

The Navy SEALs Weapons Quiz : Test Your Knowledge!

How many of the Navy SEALs favorite weapons do you know?
Test your knowledge!

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Extreme Ownership - HARDCORE Leadership Lessons from the Navy SEALs - Jocko Willink and Leif Babin

Extreme Ownership

What I am about to say will probably shock you. 

You may not like hearing it, but you have to admit that it is absolutely true.

Recognize, also, that it impacts your future, and long-term prosperity. Here goes... 

There are three kinds of people: 

  1. People that blame other people for their mistakes 

  2. People that cover up their mistakes

  3. People who own their mistakes ... and learn from them.

It is this third type of person you want to be.

All human progress, since the dawn of mankind, has been made by this third person—no exceptions...

The problem is—no matter which person you are; first, second, or third, you probably don't know how to move up to the higher (let alone the HIGHEST) levels.

That's where this book can help.

If you are a mover, shaker, doer—someone who’s always committed to action, achievement and maximizing opportunity—this book will show you how to broaden your scope of opportunities AND see you at a higher broader sense of what’s possible..

If you are someone who tends to stagnate, contemplate, and rarely initiate growth activities or expansion actions—you need this book (!) to turn you from a mere “plodding along existence” into a growth maximizer.

Just by shifting your thinking and focus, you can quickly advance upward and forward at a rapid rate.

FINALLY—if you’re someone who operates timidly, reactively, non-responsively...OR you feel more like a spectator up in the stands, than a player on the business field of life—this book can totally change (no, make that totally transform) your thinking, actions, and tactical capability.

Going from mediocrity to greatness as a person is probably the most exciting, fulfilling and engaging move you could make.

It will animate your spirit.

It will stimulate your intellect.

It will re-invigorate your entrepreneurial side and get it going and growing—for the first time in a long time (or, perhaps for the first time EVER).

This is the book that I was looking for, for a long time.

It answers the simple question: "WHAT IS LEADERSHIP?"

The answer to that question is always different depending on who you ask.

And that was bothering me!

There can't be 100 different answers!

Doesn't anyone have a simple and definitive answer?

Yup here it is:



P.S. there's an old ZEN saying:

   The purpose of a fishtrap is to catch fish, and when the fish are caught, the trap is forgotten.

   The purpose of a rabbit snare is to catch rabbits. When the rabbits are caught, the snare is forgotten.

   The purpose of words is to convey ideas. When the ideas are grasped, the words are forgotten.

    Where can I find a man who has forgotten words? He is the one I would like to talk to.         --Chuang-Tsu

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Way of the Warrior Journals for Teens and Young Adults! Navy SEALs and Special Forces!

 Navy SEALs and Special Forces Journals for Teens and Young Adults!

Why should you keep a journal?

It's the most effective way to CONTROL your future self, and MASTER YOUR DESTINY!

Journaling is the MASTER TOOL for: 

  • Clearing your MIND

  • Clearing your EMOTIONS

  • Even for healing TRAUMA!

  • Visualizing your FUTURE SELF

  • Tracking your PERFORMANCE 

  • Fostering DELIBERATE practice

Journaling is the master tool for THERAPY

And it's also the master tool for HIGH PERFORMANCE

“Research actually shows that if you write about your goals (or even your trauma) for an extended period of time that it will actually change your physical body. You transform your physical self as you get better and better at writing in your journal!”

Journaling clears your head 

  • It clears your emotions 
  • It becomes a tool for emotional regulation 
  • Journaling is also a tool for memory reconstruction! 

You can even use your journal to transform your past and clarify your story 

And the most powerful and profound use of journaling is to visualize your future self and control your FUTURE!




Friday, March 25, 2022

KidsBooks.Club Navy SEALs Books & Goodies!

For Kids 5-12:

Book 1

Book 2
Get Your Weapons!

Your First Mission!

All in One!

For Kids 12 and up:

Don't forget the Dogs!